The online education is a form of distance education using the Internet with all its information technology tools and communication to make the teaching-learning process.
When developing and using electronic trading networks, is called online education or e-learning, when fully virtualized and works through a platform: a space or portal created specifically for this purpose, which contains tools to support learning the student. You can sometimes interact with a teaching blended (blended learning). It is a form of distance learning as the student is not in person with the teacher, but seeks their own places to connect, your home, your workplace, internet cafe, a library.
The teacher is not present and at the same time (synchronously), but can be made at any time, without necessarily with the other student or teacher (asynchronously). It takes into account the important mediator of the means they use digital technology and the convergence of different languages, in an economically globalized world in which there are concepts, contents and structures that cannot be outside the network, the interaction to multiculturalism, the rapid transfer of information, non-linear structures and the responsibility of users and producers of information.
must consider when participating in the principles of Online MBA, directing the gaze in major world problems: the participation of all people, the defense of human rights, multiculturalism, the environment, peace, freedom of expression and communication.
Etymologically, e-learning is so we can say that we have long used this type of training, since we started learning the use of radio, audiovisual, film, or television.
Today we hold ourselves to the use of networks, web-based learning and computers, a digital and virtual, the Internet, satellite transmissions, and any multimodal package that can be attached to the world of remote transmission. Use communication networks and tools, hypertext (email, web pages, discussion forums, chat, etc.) and support the teaching and learning.
E-learning: "Distance Learning MBA education is characterized by a separation space / time between teachers and students (not excluding occasional physical meetings), including a predominantly two-way asynchronous communication, which is preferably used Internet as a communication and distribution knowledge, so that the student is the center of an independent and flexible training, having to manage their own learning, usually with the help of external tutors.
It is based on three fundamental criteria:
1. The e-learning network works, making it able to be instantly updated, stored, retrieved, distributed, and allowing the sharing of instruction or information.
2. Is delivered to end users through the use of computers using standard Internet technology.
3. It focuses on a broad view of learning, which can be used on all forms of education.